13 October 2021


Legacy Runner doesn’t give up

Legacy Runner doesn’t give up

by Patty Marsters pattym@lwsb.com Tom Pontac started running at age 41. He was never an athlete, but at the time, he was in an unhappy marriage and felt he was always doing everything for everyone else. This would be something he could do for himself. “I thought, if I could run a 5K or 10K, that would be wonderful,” he recalls. “It was something I could do that made me feel special.”



Yoga Outdoors

Yoga Outdoors

Every Tuesday from 10:15 a.m.-11:15 a.m., Travis Ott-Conn teaches “Yoga for Mobility” in Veterans Plaza. Relax and enjoy a great change of scenery. Text or call Connie Adkins at (562) 506-5063 for more information regarding yoga classes in Leisure World.


Balance & Stability Class

Balance & Stability Class

The Landmark Balance & Stability class is now available on Fridays at 10 a.m. via Zoom. Go to https:// us02web. zoom. us/j/84982522530; the meeting ID is 849 8252 2530, and the password is practice. Instructor Adrianne Rosenfeld teaches the free, 40-minute class that focuses on balance, shifting weight and cognizant activities. It broadcasts around 4:20-4:40 p.m. every day on the Spectrum



06 October 2021




CDC recommends booster shot for Pfizer only

CDC recommends booster shot for Pfizer only

Studies show that after being fully vaccinated against COVID19, protection against getting infected by the virus may decrease over time. Although COVID-19 vaccination for adults aged 65 years and older remains effective in preventing severe disease, recent data suggest it is less effective at preventing infection or milder illness with symptoms. This lower effectiveness is likely due to the combination
