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Filipino Association of Leisure World

The Filipino Association of Leisure World (FALW) met on March 12, in Clubhouse 3, Room 1.

The meeting was focused on discussing future events for the association, including the Veterans' Picnic on Saturday, July 1, and the Anniversary Luau Dinner on Saturday, Sept. 2.

Club President Ren Villanueva presented to the members FALW’s financial situation and the current economic trend. He said that the current 8% inflation rate affects the cost of food, music and dance performers. Unless something is done to improve the finances, the FALW will be forced to cancel all activities.

But with the support and resiliency of members, the officers and board members accepted the challenge to go through with the events. The members promised to work hard to fulfill their commitments to the Leisure World community.

The club celebrated those with March birthdays with a sumptuous dinner, camaraderie and friendship. Membership in the multicultural group has escalated as it continues to grow and serve the community. All Leisure World residents are welcome to join FALW’s next meeting on Easter Sunday, April 9, at 2:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, for a special Easter dinner.

The next FALW Bingo will be held on Sunday, April 16, at noon in Clubhouse 2.

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