06 April 2022



LW Baptist

LW Baptist

“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion” from Handel’s Messiah sets the tone for LW Baptist’s Palm Sunday service at 10 a.m. Jesus’ public presentation of himself as the Messiah that Zechariah prophesied 530 years earlier received much acclaim by the populace and pilgrims gathering for Passover. Jesus nevertheless wept over the city and announced to the crowds that their great rejoicing





Easter Golf Cart Parade will take place on April 16

Easter Golf Cart Parade will take place on April 16

ROLLIN’ THUNDER Rollin’ Thunder, Leisure World’s golf cart club, is set to celebrate the return to outside activities with its annual Easter Parade. The parade will be held on Saturday, April 16, from 2-3 p.m. LWers will be able to watch a long and raucous line of colorfully decorated golf carts following a mile-long route along the residential streets. Line-up and last-minute decorating



GAF will celebrate centenarians with food and gifts on April 20

GAF will celebrate centenarians with food and gifts on April 20

The Golden Age Foundation (GAF) invites those 99 years or older turning 100 this year to sign up to receive a gift from GAF volunteers on Wednesday, April 20, between 11a.m.–noon. Centenarians’ presence in the community is one of the many things that make Leisure World a great place to live. The GAF would like to acknowledge this special milestone by visiting and providing a lunch for two



Nikkei Club

Nikkei Club

The Nikkei Club will meet on Saturday, April 16, in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Shigemi Yokomi will demonstrate tai chi, and Erika Akiyama will teach the Japanese Festival line dance, Tanko Bushi. The meeting will feature a potluck luncheon, and members are asked to bring a dish to contribute. Those who are not able to bring a dish will be asked to pay $7 toward the purchase of takeout