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Good humor has zero calories

Good humor has zero calories Good humor has zero calories


It’s said laughter is good for the soul, and the ladies of Wa-Rite were treated with some good humor from Reta Lombardi, who gave a program titled “It’s Complicated—Such is My Life.”

Lombardi talked of the difficulties of being left-handed in a right-handed world, comparing it to being a salmon swimming upstream. Most everything is made for right-handed people, from spiral notebooks to buffet lines.

She also shared some observations of things that happen as people age. New things appear such as wings on upper arms, spider veins, wrinkles and a mustache. But things also disappear such as eyesight, hearing, teeth, hair on the head and inches from height. Lombardi’s conclusion: People’s bodies may be changing, but it’s important to love and accept oneself as is and not wait for perfection because “it ain’t gonna happen!” There are no perfect people, she said, so everyone should just be the best they can be.

Other food for thought, courtesy of the club: “You are what you eat! And if you are what you eat, why would you want to be a Twinkie or a Ding Dong?”

Leona San Severino was the week’s Top Loser, with a threepound loss. When asked what she did differently, she said she cooked only portion-size meals to keep from overeating. She also avoids sugar and white flour and doesn’t keep junk food in the house.

Members also offered this tip: Instead of ice cream, freeze a container of yogurt for half an hour before eating.

Wa-Rite is a support group of women wanting to lose 10 pounds or more. Members meet on Fridays in Clubhouse 3, Room 1, from 9-10 a.m. Weigh-ins begin at 7:45 and close promptly at 8:45. Members must be LW residents. Dues are $5. Anyone with questions should contact Margaret Humes at (562) 296-5834.

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