29 June 2022





Chess Club

Chess Club

This week's puzzle is checkmate in three moves. White moves first, and the white’s third move is checkmate. Solution to this week’s puzzle firstmoveisBf7.ThewhiteBishop moves from c4 to f7, black Knight moves from d8 to f7, white Queen moves from a4 to c6, black King moves from e8 to d8. The next move by white is checkmate. The Chess Club meets every Friday from 1:30-6 p.m. in





Community Karaoke

Community Karaoke

A nice audience joined the 30 karaoke performers for the evening of music. Ellen Brannigan likes the audience participation when she sings peppy tunes like “One Day At a Time.” The very popular “The Wonder of You” was Carmen Edward’s song choice during the karaoke evening. Walt and Sue Piippo did an enjoyable duet “Let Your Love Flow.” Sally Glauser likes singing “Honey Bun,” and


Tournament Poker

Tournament Poker

On June 18, John Burns won the final table, beating Drew Sargent with a straight. Burns has been a poker club member for eight months and won final table three times. His other hobbies include playing pool and pickleball. Third place went to Jeff Rolnick; Guta Basner finished fourth. The dealer was Susan Rose. High hand was also won by Guta Basner with four jacks; Tony Canfora won second highest
