04 January 2023


Pool Club celebrates with 396 tournament

Pool Club celebrates with 396 tournament

On Dec. 19 in Clubhouse 2, the Leisure World Pool Club held its 369 holiday Pool tournament. There was food, desserts and drinks for all 36 players. What made this tournament unique was that Pool Club members could invite a friend from outside Leisure World to play—something the club only does once a year. The group had three-person teams instead of the usual two-person teams. Players were divided


Shuffleboard Club

Shuffleboard Club

Games continued at the Shuffleboard Courts between Christmas and New Year’s. New members are feeling the excitement of competing in their first league play and veteran members know they must stay sharp to keep their top positions. The Friday morning league begins on Jan. 6 with four teams playing every Friday while the Tuesday evening league will begin Jan. 10 with three teams competing. On Thursday,







Redeemer Lutheran

Redeemer Lutheran

The painting that hangs on the front wall of Redeemer Lutheran Church, painted by LW artists, Carmen Leslie and Barbara Simundza, honors the day of Epiphany when the kings recognized the baby Jesus as the Messiah King with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The Feast of Epiphany and the baptism of Jesus will be celebrated at Redeemer Lutheran’s Sunday worship on Jan. 8 at 10:30 a.m. Join


LW Baptist

LW Baptist

The drama of the book of Job pictures Job and his friends debating over the extreme afflictions Job is suffering. Job himself sets the stage for the dialogue by questioning in strong language why he was ever born. God hears and understands his people’s cries and cares about their pain, when other people seem not to. The groans of God’s people frame LW Baptist’s worship service on Sunday,
