28 October 2020


GRF projects are underway around ….

GRF projects are underway around ….

GRF projects are underway around the community despite slowdowns attributed to the COVID-19 repercussions. This column will update residents on the progress of various construction projects. The information is provided by GRF Facilities Director Mark Weaver and Physical Property Manager David Rudge. LEISURE WORLD POOL The GRF Facilities Director Mark Weaver expects redrafted plans from the architect



The Official Ballot Drop Box ….

The Official Ballot Drop Box ….

The Official Ballot Drop Box is located at the Amphitheater bus hub near Administration. County employees (above) are picking up ballots daily. On Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 3, two county employees will be at the Ballot Drop Box in the late afternoon/ early evening to assist with traffic flow and lock the ballot mail slots at 8 p.m. or after the last voter. In addition, the Orange County Registrar's





Street Sweeping

Street Sweeping

GRF trust streets are swept on the fourth Thursday of the month. Parked vehicles must be removed from trust streets before midnight the night before. Contact Mutual directors to find out when your carports are scheduled for sweeping.


