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Seal Beach Pump Station Replacement

Seal Beach Pump   Station Replacement Seal Beach Pump   Station Replacement

As part of the Orange County Sanitation District’s Capital Improvement Program, the Seal Beach Pump Station is being replaced. The 1970s station is located at the corner of Seal Beach Boulevard and Westminster Avenue. The project began May 22 and will last approximately four years.

The pump station is nearing the end of its useful life and needs to be replaced with a new facility that will include a more efficient pumping system, odor treatment systems, and a standby emergency generator. The new station will be constructed on the same site. Once fully operational, the old pump station will be demolished.

The bus stop located in front of the pump station on Seal Beach Boulevard has been removed for the duration of the project.

One northbound Seal Beach Boulevard lane will be closed for the duration of construction. One westbound Westminster Avenue lane will have temporary closures which may occur between 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and 7 p.m.-6 a.m. while work is being done in the area.

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