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Howard C. Jarvis 1943-2023 ….

Howard C. Jarvis  1943-2023 …. Howard C. Jarvis  1943-2023 ….

Howard C. Jarvis 1943-2023

Howard C. Jarvis was born in Detroit, Michigan on April 2, 1943, and died May 17, 2023.

He graduated from Warren High and received his teaching degree from Michigan State. He moved to California in his late 20s, teaching elementary and middle school in both states.

Howard enjoyed life so much! His biggest interest was music, playing instruments and entertaining his friends. He was a pilot and co-owned a plane. He was a competitive roller skater. He enjoyed bike riding and motorcycling, visiting most of the states in the U.S. on his motorcycle.

He moved to Leisure World in Mutual 9 in 1996 and was very helpful to all who lived there. Howard delivered wheelchairs and walkers for a time and was a greeter for the casino buses back in the day.

Howard was very devoted to, and very generous, to his family back in Michigan and loved them all.

He’s the beloved brother of Mary Lou (Ernie) Domenick; and was predeceased by his father Samuel, mother Charlotte, and brothers Edward and Leonard. He was a loving uncle to many nieces and nephews and three greatnephews.

May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

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