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First Christian Church

First Christian Church First Christian Church

First Christian Church of Leisure World teaches from God’s word, the Holy Bible, most often verse by verse. It is a friendly church that welcomes all visitors to join in worship and explore God’s word together. “That we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine,” Romans 1:12.

Pastor’s Message

Pastor Gary Whitlatch invites LWers to join him this weekend to look at the letter from Paul the apostle to believers in Colossae known as Colossians:“If Ephesians can be labeled the epistle portraying the ‘Church of Christ’, then Colossians can surely be the ‘Christ of the church.’” Paul describes Christ in Colossians 1:17: “Christ is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”

Paul writes this epistle from prison. He had never visited the church at Colossae, but he had heard of their love in the spirit and their stability of faith in Christ. He urges them to keep seeking the things from above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. He reminds them that they “no longer walk as sons of disobedience, having put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the one who created him.”

Pastor Gary is excited to go through this beautiful little epistle and impart the encouragement that Paul has for the Colossians and for the entirety of the church today.

Sunday services are held from 9:30-10:45 a.m. The service is traditional with hymnal music led by Janet Ray and Pat Kogok at the piano. This week, Sherry Parmenter will bring special music.

Saturday services are more contemporary with Gregory Black leading worship with guitar accompaniment. The service is held from 9:30-10:45 a.m.

Midweek Studies

Melli Herrera leads the women’s Bible study on Mondays from 10:30-11:45 a.m.

Pastor Gary Whitlach leads the Bible study held on Tuesdays from 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Thursday’s Bible study, led by Elder Jack Frost, is held from 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Pastor Bruce Humes leads Friday’s prayer and Bible study from 6-7 p.m.

All are welcome to join.

Scripture of the Week

“God, after he spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many ways, in these last days had spoken to us in his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, through whom also he made the ages. And he is the radiance of his glory and the exact representation of his nature,” Hebrews 1:1-2.


First Christian Church is located on Northwood Road behind Carport 125.

For more information, call 562-431-8810. The call will be returned at the earliest opportunity.

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