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Hui O Hula celebrates 18 years of aloha

Hui O Hula celebrates 18 years of aloha Hui O Hula celebrates 18 years of aloha

Hui O Hula celebrated its 18-year history at Leisure World with a photo recreating the one members took in 2012. The Hawaiian dance club started meeting for hula lessons in 2004, a few months after instructor Jojo Weingart (reclining) moved to Seal Beach from Honolulu.

With much kokua (“help” in Hawaiian) from Event Coordinator Kaye Huff, Secretary Susan Cucci and Treasurer Yo Kishi, the Hui O Hula has been meeting twice a week and entertaining communities inside and outside the gates. Some years, Hui O Hula gave more than 100 performances, with its record at 118 in one year. The club appreciates everyone who attends its events, as well as the Recreation Department for helping with scheduling classroom space and the LW Weekly for publicizing performance and class information.

The Hawaiian dancers invite LW’s vibrant community to join in the fun of staying active as they look forward to continuing to share their aloha with hula. All LWers are welcome to classes upstairs in Clubhouse 6 at 1 p.m. onTuesdaysandatVeteransPlaza at1p.m.onThursdays.Beginners should arrive at the start of class on Tuesdays to learn basic steps.

Anyonewithquestionsshould contact Hui O Hula at (562) 431-2242 or

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