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Minibus, on-call service available to and from clinics


LW Minibus and on-call service will be available from 8-5 p.m. on all Saturday and Sunday vaccination clinic days.

The on-call bus service will be available for everyone and is not to be confused with Access bus service, which is specifically for people with mobility issues.

There will not be any fixedroute (scheduled) Minibuses available on Saturdays and Sundays, so people who need to get to vaccine clinics will have to use on-call service.

No appointment is required for on-call service.

Anyone who needs transportation to clinics or any other location inside Leisure World should call (562) 431-6585, ext. 379, and request for a bus to come to their location.

A Leisure World Minibus will be dispatched to the specified location within10 minutes or less. Because parking is very limited at Clubhouse 6, where clinics are held, residents are asked to consider using the Minibus oncall service.

For more information, call (562) 431-6586, ext. 372.

LW Access bus service is by appointment only for people with mobility concerns.

People can schedule Access appointments to the vaccination clinics (or any other location inside Leisure World) by calling (562) 431-6585, ext. 379. Access bus appointments are scheduled on the half-hour and can be made up to three days in advance.

—Grant Winford GRF fleet manager

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