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GRF Board approves facilities projects; new treasurer appointed

GRF Board approves facilities projects; new treasurer appointed

GRF BOARD HIGHLIGHTS by Ruth Osborn Communications Director The GRF Board of Directors met Jan. 28 to consider a full agenda of proposed projects, including bathroom remodels in clubhouses, pool rails and golf course walkways. Before business began, 13 audience members expressed concern about GRF management, gate hours, traffic configuration at the Main Gate, budget increases, GRF reporting


Seal Beach makes hazard mitigation a priority

Seal Beach makes hazard mitigation a priority

DISASTER PREPAREDNESS by Ruth Osborn Communications Director Seal Beach Mayor Pro Tem Nathan Steele, who represents half of Leisure World, told the GRF Board of Directors on Jan. 28 that the city is preparing a report on how to strengthen safeguards against a firestorm such as the one that leveled Pacific Palisades on Jan. 7. That fire is 100% contained and has burned more than 23,500


Share a moment of kindness you experienced

Share a moment of kindness you experienced

RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS Leisure World is a community with a long legacy of sharing kindness and care with neighbors and friends. This year, the LW Weekly invites residents to send in stories, quotes and suggestions in honor of Random Acts of Kindness week Feb. 9-15. Kindness is core in Leisure World: Residents who help lost people home, walk their friends’ dogs, hand a few quarters to


Superbowl Watch Party in CH 4

Superbowl Watch Party in CH 4

All are invited to join fellow residents to cheer on their teams at the Recreation Department’s Superbowl watch party Sunday, Feb. 9, in Clubhouse 4. Kickoff is at 3:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be provided by GRF. Be a part of over 100 million spectators watching the National Football League’s annual championship—or just the commercials and halftime show. Bring a neighbor or some friends



visit https:// www. surveymonkey.  ….

visit https:// www. surveymonkey. ….

visit https:// www. surveymonkey. com/r/SealBeachLHMP. The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete and is anonymous. The results will be included with the updated plan documents. Seal Beach has two fire stations, one in Old Town and one on North Gate Road just outside Leisure World. The Orange County Fire Authority has the contract to provide fire and paramedic services to the



Fix-It Clinic will offer free mobility device repairs

Fix-It Clinic will offer free mobility device repairs

Fix-It Clinic will offer free mobility device repairs A Long Beach Fix-It Clinic will be held Saturday, Feb. 8, from noon-3 p.m. at Sports Basement, 2100 N. Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, a 15-minute drive from Leisure World. Long Beach Fix-It Clinics are opportunities for people to save items from the landfill by having them repaired by professionals for free. This includes electronics, bicycles,


Grand opening of LW’s on-site Medicare agency is Feb. 11

Grand opening of LW’s on-site Medicare agency is Feb. 11

Grand opening of LW's on-site Medicare agency is Feb. 11 Vandervoort Insurance Agency, Leisure World’s new onsite Medicare agency, will hold a grand opening on Tuesday, Feb. 11, from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. in the Building C courtyard, adjacent to the former Cafe. The event will feature a taco truck, raffles and music. The agency is contracted with Aetna, Alignment Health Plans, Anthem Blue Cross,